How  Do  I  Increase  My  veggie  Intake

Here are tips on how to increase your veggie intake.
January 30, 2025
How  Do  I  Increase  My  veggie  Intake

​Did you know that the Dietary Guidelines for Malaysia recommends that the average adult eats at least three (3) servings of vegetables and at least two (2) serving of fruits in their daily diets? But in a 2018 study it was found that 80 per cent of Malaysians do not consume sufficient vegetables and fruits essential for a healthy diet!

Meanwhile the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that the average adult consume 2 ½ cups of vegetables in their daily diet. But USDA food consumption surveys found that the average American is consuming only 1 ⅖ cups of vegetables per day.

We understand that it can be difficult to hit the recommended daily amount, so here are 5 easy tips to help you increase your vegetable intake:

Tip 1: Clean and cut your veggies ahead of time
After you go shopping, aim to block out just 20-30 minutes right after. This will give you time to rinse, chop, and pre portion out your veggies for the week. Don’t forget to store them front and center of the fridge as a great way to remind you to choose those whole food options! 

Tip #2 Try roasting or air frying your veggies
You may feel you don’t like broccoli (or any veggie) after having a steamed version of it. Texture or mouth feel is so important when it comes to our experience with food! Instead try roasting your broccoli. The crunchy texture of roasted broccoli will be a dish EVERYONE can get excited about! 

Tip #3 Sneaking Vegetables into a Dish
Find creative ways to add vegetables into a dish with great flavour so it feels incorporated into what you are eating rather than needing to get through the veggies alone on the side of your plate. Check out a few of our favourite recipes to help you do this.

Tip #4 Add veggies like frozen spinach, kale or cauliflower to your smoothie.
You may be thinking - what in the world - but we swear by this tip! We LOVE it! Adding frozen riced cauliflower gives your smoothie a creamy consistency. 

Tip 5: Add veggies to your breakfast
A sure fire way to get closer to the recommended amount of vegetables is starting early with breakfast. Add your favourite veggies to those egg muffins, smoothies, omelettes, or breakfast sandwiches!

Eating vegetables is crucial for our health and wellness.

Try out these 5 easy tips and if you are looking for more guidance, support, and accountability...

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